Global Logistics Association Board and Committees

Board And Committees 2024 – 25

GLA is a ‘true’ association run by its members, for its members. The structure of the Association is simple with various Committees and member Liaison Groups answering to the Board of Directors on matters that range from lead generation and group marketing through to disputes and arbitration. The Board of Directors report back to the owners of GLA… the members themselves.

The GLA team 2024-2025

GLA logo 2024

The GLA Board of Directors consists of nine members. The President, the Vice President and the Treasurer who are also board members, form the executive committee, which is also referred to as the Supervisory Board of Directors. The Board is in constant communication with the Managing Director at GLA’s head office, who reports to the board about the daily management of the association. The Managing Director also gives advice to the board, but she does not take part in the voting process as the position is neutral.

Board of Directors

Vice President

Joe Barry


Giovanni Mele


Mike Wong

Board Member
Agnes Kartsaklis
Board Member
Ahmed El Dahshan
Board Member
Ettie Ben-Harrush

Board Member

Paige Stewart Morgan

Board Member

Daniel Chew

Board Member

Jill James

Management Team

Assistant to Managing Director

Aline van Vuuren

GLA logo (97)

Managing Director

Maureen Leeuwenburgh

Digital Communications/Technical Support

James Moseley

GLA logo (99)
  • GLA Board of Directors

    • Giovanni Mele
    • Joe Barry
    • Mike Wong
    • Agnes Kartsaklis
    • Ahmed El Dahshan
    • Ettie Ben-Harrush
    • Paige Stewart Morgan
    • Daniel Chew
    • Jill James

  • GLA Executive Committee

    • Giovanni Mele –  President
    • Joe Barry – Vice-President
    •  Mike Wong –  Treasurer
    • Maureen Leeuwenburgh  –  Managing Director
    • Aline van Vuuren  –  Assistant to Managing Director


GLA members have always recognized the need to follow the latest trends in the ever changing world of international freight forwarding and logistics and for this purpose GLA created standing committees in which members take a seat and develop the areas for which they are responsible, to the benefit of the association. Each committee is headed by a chairman and the Managing Director is part of every committee.

Ocean Freight


Paige Stewart Morgan


Vice Chair 

Joe Barry


Milinda Balasooriya

Pat Fosberry

Maureen Leeuwenburgh

Ettie Ben-Harrush

 Air Freight


Rob Schellingerhout





Vivian Steinhoff 

Maureen Leeuwenburgh


Web / Media


Daniel Chew





Gary Sanderson

Yuri Zerpa

Jeanine Pearl Intal

Domenico Testa

Eric Ho

Alwyn Nel

James Moseley

Maureen Leeuwenburgh

New Membership


Agnes Kartsaklis





Roy Rigamonti

Yuri Zerpa

Ahmed El Dahshan

Asier Lizeaga

Chetan Parekh

Maureen Leeuwenburgh








Jill James

Alwyn Nel

Maureen Leeuwenburgh



Jill James


Vice Chair

Mike Bruning


Jorge Magalhaes

Stephen Ho

Alwyn Nel

Mike Bruning

Tomasz Langowski

Miguel Rivas

Maureen Leeuwenburgh

GLA Liaison Teams

Each of the six board members who are not on the Executive Committee, is also a Liaison Team Leader. Team Leaders are assigned to each member to advise on issues and problems and will be their point of contact next to the Managing Director. Team leaders build up a relationship with each member in their team and will be there to assist. Also one of the tasks of the Liaison Team Leader is to assist the Executive Director to solve occasional problems such as collection of dues, a member not attending a meeting or any sort of problem between members.
Liaison Team Leaders also have an important role at the GLA Annual General Meeting. Over all issues which have been brought to the attention of the Team Leaders are laid on the table up front. Then they are hashed out in the Liaison Teams and then these Teams report back to the GLA membership. GLA encourage the GLA members to inform of ideas for the Liaison Team discussions in order to develop the Association. Consensus is reached, votes taken and the Association is headed in new directions. It works well.

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