A collaboration between our members in Malaysia and Indonesia

27 Sep A collaboration between our members in Malaysia and Indonesia



A collaboration between our members in Malaysia and Indonesia

Daniel Chew, Executive Director Synergy Worldwide Forwarding Sdn. Bhd. explains

Our Indonesia partner Pt Cerindo had flown over to Malaysia to attend an exhibition for Oil & Gas. The reason why they attended the exhibition is because they had been awarded the job to arrange shipment of display products for booth displays from Indonesia to Malaysia and Pt Cerindo had appointed us (Synergy Worldwide) as their Malaysia partner to arrange the clearance & delivery to KLCC before the exhibition started.   This exhibition shipment we are using ATA Carnet to customs clear. Although we received very last minute information to arrange these shipments (1 week’s notice), both parties managed to pull through it and deliver within the timeframe given. Import by Air Freight, Export by Sea Freight.

Congratulations to both members and you really did deserve a well earned dinner together


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